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In Masquerade, the blood bond always forms after three drinks. First is that spending a point of Willpower in Requiem grants you three extra dice on the roll rather than an automatic success, which is a very big deal. Clan Malkavian for the win!) --Horror, maybe, but not personal horror in the sense of revulsion at oneself and misery with respect to one's existence. That's pretty much flat-out-true for all the NWOD/CofD games, and I don't think I've heard anyone argue otherwise. In Requiem, the level you possess in that discipline is added to it. Why are tuning pegs (aka machine heads) different on different types of guitars? However, I still prefer the original system for Masquerade better than porting Masquerade over to CoD. Yes there's combat, but with the system being so deadly and fast, the act of going through combat isn't as satisfying as VtM. My preference isn't based in loving what I first played - I prefer Masquerade and Apocalypse from OWOD, but also Awakening and Lost from NWOD. As this is a game-recommendation question, please adhere to the FAQ, the rules for subjective questions as outlined in Good Subjective, Bad Subjective and our rules for game recommendations. There are seven (or six) clans belonging to the Camarilla, an organization that feels they're best served hiding from humans. What would cause a culture to keep a distinct weapon for centuries? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The Masquerade is one of the most important and disputed Traditions among the laws of the Kindred. Use MathJax to format equations. Thanks for contributing an answer to Role-playing Games Stack Exchange! Sure, you can play a game where that's literally impossible over any time span, but to me that just leads to the opposite (and less fun) extreme: If you deny your players the forbidden draw of diablerie, you can keep them oppressed and make the game more personal, but who really wants to play Vampire because he likes playing a loser? Many of the gripes and negative stigma around Requiem were from how awful 1st edition was. Even in a system with an established history, there is always room to create new things, say that previous things were lies or had it only 1/2 right. Some local people I know say Masquerade is the "better" of the two overall, both gameplay and story. (In fact, there are hints in the clanbooks that suggest that all five clans are actually separate kinds of supernatural being with some common connections.). I find Requiem to be infinitely easier to learn and run, though, due to its toolbox nature and lack of metaplot. I love both but for different reasons, and luckily they feel different enough that I've been able to run both multiple times. Spot a possible improvement when reviewing a paper. It has some things that it does better, but it also has some things that it does worse (the treatment of multiple attackers in CoD is a criticism I have). What have you done with the games? All machismo and smugness with no provided reason for covenants to socialize at all, much less cooperate. In Masquerade, bloodlines are rare and unusual offshoots of clans. I myself prefer Masquerade, because I find that it provides a reason why the various vampires of one faction socialize and compete, and provides the trappings of politics to do so, while I find Requiem to be, well, the politics of gang warfare. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is an upcoming action role-playing video game developed by Hardsuit Labs and published by Paradox Interactive.A sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (2004), the game is part of the World of Darkness series and based on the tabletop role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. V:tM all the way. Strange Adventures 40,875 views. What are the major changes made to Vampire: The Masquerade for its 20th Anniversary edition? They might have fixed a lot of stuff, after all. Vampire - the Masquerade also has the Jyhad and the coming of Gehenna metaplots, while Requiem... has no real universe-wide metaplot. Requiem is better for the personal horror aspect, what it is to be a vampire in it's everyday everynight life. Criminal Intent (Vampire: The Requiem) Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $4.53 Format: PDF How far will you go to preserve the Masquerade? I prefer the politics of Masquerade but then as a DM, I have always embraced a looser interpretation of the lore than some people care for. The two are essentially different settings with a lot of words in common (and some words in common that mean different things :( ). 30:23. Although it is an entirely new game, rather than a continuation of the previous editions, it uses many elements from the old game including some of the clans and their powers. Also available for Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition: ... (masquerade 20, werewolf 20 and now requiem 2nd edition) has come in with huge gouges and damage along the cover due to the shipping methods. easier? To add a touch of pedantry - Reckoning is not Vigil, either. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WhiteWolfRPG community. There are some interesting changes to how the vampiric condition works, though. I even started my own Apocalypse Tribes as 2E Lodges project in Werewolf: The Forsaken forum. After my enjoyment of the iterations of Requiem and Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary edition, I was stoked to learn about a new edition continuing The Masquerade game. Re: Requiem vs Masquerade: 5 years later. I prefer WoD and would recommend it to anyone, but I concede it has more than a handful of rough spots. Vampire: The Requiem is a role-playing game published by White Wolf, set in the Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness) setting, and the successor to the Vampire: The Masquerade line. My Requiem games tend to be more focused on living as a vampire. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Do you want a world spanning, high powered conspiracy thriller? Sure, the PCs usually start as lowly neonates groveling on the lowest rung of the ladder, but even in a very tightly controlled game, it's just a matter of time before they figure out how to get away with making a meal out of an elder. In Requiem, bloodlines are more common, and can be joined or designed by vampires of sufficient power intentionally. So it COULD be the better game, but I'd never know. In Requiem, the number can be more, and is uncertain. If the party can kill the bosses for example, then that means other people can kill them too. Higher level disciplines and more efficient blood use don't make the PCs more introspective or help them cope with the loss of their former lives. VtM certainly had its strengths, and I still think Vampire: Bloodlines is a fine example of the setting, but overall I have to give Requiem my preference due to its greater sense of horror and claustrophobia; there's more of the 'unknown' and 'unknowable' and there's fewer global conspiracies and all-powerful elders buggering about. Setting-wise they both have a lot to offer. For the money I'm paying I'd like to think it's get things in the … I prefer Requiem's more focused storytelling. As the title states, I would like to know the biggest changes between the two systems, both mechanic-wise and story-wise. and a bit of reading. The trick is, I don’t especially care. In Requiem, the Potency of a vampire's Blood is something they can raise with experience, and each clan has its own origin story. As in most games, there is a tension between the need for more Strength for more damage, and more dexterity for more accuracy. Mechanically, Requiem is superior. So the complaint many people bring up that VtM is overly-codified is largely irrelevant to my games, since I warn people straight up that much like 40k, most of what they are told and some of what they see is a lie. Use Requiem. It’s also proven to be an incredibly popular with fans, though not without controversy as the game attempted to move from a previously PG-13 view of vampires to a … It only takes a minute to sign up. I know it's a bit reductive, but you could if you wanted do Blade/Underworld in Requiem and Ann Rice in Masquerade. In Masquerade, difficulty numbers would range up and down the scale, from 3 all the way up to 9. Vampire the Requiem 2nd Edition character creation - Duration: 52:54. I honestly couldn't say with any confidence, but none of those things would make it superior unless the qualities it had over VTM were universally instrumental values for game mechanics. It all to me depends on consequences. Ehhhhh, I'd say it's personal preference. It's thematically a stronger title; it knows it wants to be a gothic game of personal horror while Masquerade couldn't decide and it ended up being about blood-fueled super heroes. The Storyteller has to declare bonuses or penalties (which grant or remove dice) prior to the roll. How do the two games' rules stack up against each other and against earlier versions of Vampire? 3.) They would be given multiple, conflicting origin stories to choose from. Vampire: The Requiem; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. In Masquerade, all vampires are descendants of the biblical Cain, and measure their vampiric power in the number of Generations that they are from him. Dramatic failures only occur when you are reduced to rolling a chance die (one die that only succeeds on a roll of 10) and it comes up a 1. I've been reading over a lot of the Requiem books as that is what my local gaming store has sitting on the shelf, and I dunno, Requiem looks OK. Is it just a personal preference or does one actually seem better? There is no reason beyond an interesting story to always stick to canon in either one. I'm a CoD guy, but I always like (old) World of Darkness factions to exists in CoD games as Z-Splats - Bloodlines, Lodges, etc. After a large outcry over just a small preview from the V5 book, many fans have been wondering just what the rest of the book looks like. Requiem mechanically smoothed vampire to a much more playable system. Why should I choose one over the other? Joking aside, I'm prepared to argue that CoD isn't inherently mechanically better than WoD. Masquerade gives you the feeling of being part of a whole, of a world wide entity/organization with a long history. Am I burning bridges if I am applying for an internship which I am likely to turn down even if I am accepted? That's true of any system. Requiem is also a much "dirtier" game than Masquerade; the glamour of the '90s (almost '80s) vampire world and its global conspiracies gives way to a grungier, more visceral modernity. That's pretty much flat-out-true for all the NWOD/CofD games, and I don't think I've heard anyone argue otherwise. Learn more >> Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The tabletop RPG, that is. Masquerade is like attending a celebrity party that you are barely welcomed at. Also, all of the sourcebooks are written for use with the VtR book and only the VtR book, meaning you don't see a reference to the Whatcadingy bloodline in a book and have to chase it down through three other books to know what … ". MathJax reference. I kind of assumed that that was true for VTR also, but I don't have any first-hand experience with it. In my opinion 2nd edition really picked up it's game. When I first read this my knee-jerk reaction was to instinctively get defensive, but the more I think about it the more I feel like that's not really the worst way to put it. Since that game is all about being a tool box. Do I have to stop other application processes before receiving an offer? Requiem is lighter and presumably quicker for new players. And as I'm thinking about it now, I'm kind of fine with that. What are the major differences between Vampire: the Requiem and Vampire: the Masquerade? There is no better game but I think Requiem 2E is the culmination of twenty years of lessons learned by WW designing role-playing games. How can I incorporate Koldunic Sorcery in Vampire: The Requiem? Requiem also had the Jyhad, it's just not called that. Maybe. I like the setting of Masquerade better, but I like the system behind Requiem better. It's mechanics are convoluted and sometimes don't cross over well. And why? This is very, very true. Does a Bugbear PC take damage when holding an enemy on the other side of a Wall of Fire with Grapple? What are the main differences between Vampire: The Requiem, Vampire 20th Anniversary, and Vampire 5th Edition? There is no mystery in Masquerade, the setting is too well explored and the history too well detailed. When was the phrase "sufficiently smart compiler" first used? If VTR turned the players' power and agency down so much that there is no longer a superhuman feeling to being undead, I think that may be an even stronger mark against it than any others I know of. The third big difference is that in combat, damage is figured directly from the result of the attack roll. In Masquerade, the dice pool to activate a discipline was formed from a combined Attribute and Ability. translation guide for playing Masquerade with Requiem or vice versa. Overview. The settings in general are interesting, and it is one of those games I'd like to play some day. What would be the minimum human population to sustain a single vampire indefinitely? After reading both this and the replies, I think that I can say that these really depend on the ST (and to some degree the player's desires). Requiem focuses much more closely on local action compared to Masquerade's global tone. Vampire: The Requiem is a role-playing game published by White Wolf, Inc. for the Chronicles of Darkness setting, and the successor to the Vampire: The Masquerade line. My Masquerade games tend to be more combat heavy. Which wire goes to which terminal on this single pole switch? In order to highlight the differences as to what it means to run one of these games imagine if Requiem had Antideluvians (it doesn't but imagine). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Pros and cons of living with faculty members, during one's PhD. In VTM the players have the ability to seize the reins of the machine and direct their fates (for better or worse). Can aileron differential eliminate adverse yaw? Who are the movers and shakers in any larger city in Vampire: the Requiem? Vampires are closer to mortals in Requiem than they are in Masquerade. Both games excel at politicking but the difference is that in Masquerade politics is driven by Clans and is more about lineage and "family" while Requiem is about faction and is driven by ideology. Has a state official ever been impeached twice? Vampire: The Masquerade is the original roleplaying game of personal and political horror. I run a VtM game and a CoD and love both systems. After reading the recent thread on Promethean and skimming the book, I've reached the conclusion that I'm not sure how many groups out there are really looking for a game of personal horror. VTM is ostensibly about people coming to terms with the fact that they're losing their grip on humanity, yet I play with some very, very talented roleplayers, and we've never lost a character to wassail. (And please, don't use "Vampire: the Requiem is still supported by WW" as a argument.). Starter Kit: Vampire the Requiem [BUNDLE] This special bundle product contains the following titles. Make sure you look into Requiem 2nd edition. In my opinion owod was great for story, worldbuilding, and villains. All I know of Vampire: The Masquerade is pretty much from Bloodlines (damn fun game, I love it. Once the game makes that tonal shift--from being oppressed to being oppressors, which happens inevitably in any game in which the players are allowed to advance--it's a short step from there to noming the bosses and jumping onto the exponential curve of lower generation power. (Others, however, will tell you how wrong I am). These games are usually focused on the war against the Sabbat and the coming of Gehenna. Requiem, on the other hand, is nicely self-contained (that is, you need the WoD core for the basic rules, but to run Vampire you don't need any other sourcebooks). It’s an objective fact. How does one take advantage of unencrypted traffic? We know there are 13 of them we know all of their names and motivations, hell, we have them statted out. Vampire®: The Masquerade-Bloodlines™ delivers a new type of RPG experience-one that blends all the core elements of a traditional RPG with the graphical richness, immediacy and brutal combat of a first-person action game. faster? All in all, both are fantastic universes. Stop the robot by changing value of variable Z, How to tactfully refuse to be listed as a co-author. The covenants are billed as the political groups, but they have no political agendas and there is no framework to politic within - just a sort of Mutually Assured Destruction between convenants that tips as soon as one covenant or pairing of covenants gets enough brute strength to murderface the others. Do you want a personally tailored horror experience? And rather than statting them out the game would give STs a toolbox to build their own, tailored to the chronicle they want to tell. For Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So what's the deal with werewolves? Ultimately the mechanics are a matter of taste. I get decent mileage out of this (available on DriveThruRPG!). Why do electronics have to be off before engine startup/shut down on a Cessna 172? Caine, as the first vampire, is the first generation, the original vampire. Definitely personal preference. As power rises you have to keep making larger and larger scale settings, that is absolutely true, but you can always, within the scope of the system, create goth or goth punk or politiking or whatever else your goal or tone is by keeping focused on consequences. You are a vampire, struggling for survival, supremacy, and your own fading humanity - afraid of what you are capable of, and fearful of the inhuman conspiracies that surround you. Vampire the Masquerade V5 Review The past month has been a weird time to be a World of Darkness fan for many of us. It's the best of both worlds. Requiem is you trying to throw your own underground party. Vampire: The Requiem is a role-playing game published by White Wolf, Inc. for the Chronicles of Darkness setting, and the successor to the Vampire: The Masquerade line. Affects melee damage. We wouldn't know how many there were of if they ever existed. We went to Requiem 2nd Edition when it came out (Blood and Smoke), but we've since gone back to 1st Edition for all of our CoD games. Requiem is much more mysterious, no one knows where vampires come from or even the origins of each Clan and the properties of the vampire curse can behave in unpredictable and dangerous ways. In Masquerade, vampires don't recognize each other on sight; in Requiem, the Beast makes the presence of another vampire and his comparative Potency obvious without concealing arts. The game plunges players into the dark and gritty vampire underworld of modern-day L.A. as a creature of the night. Of mechanics, Requiem by a landslide are usually focused on living as a creature the! Some interesting changes to how the vampiric condition works, though, due to its toolbox nature and lack metaplot... Convoluted and sometimes do n't think you 'd find it much different but my chronicle was along! Game and a CoD and love both systems with option 3 but my chronicle was along! The Antideluvians exist, the dice pool to activate a discipline was formed from a Attribute. And ability but you could if you want to visit from the selection below term, these are. Don ’ t especially care the bosses for example, then that means other can. 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