PVC is a thermoplastic polymer the most common use of which in its “unplasticised” rigid form is as a building material compounds, siding, magnetic cards, blinds, and similar hard industrial applications. The best non-toxic bath toys; Scroll down to learn more. Smart Mommy Healthy Baby is a one-stop, time-saving resource for moms and pregnant moms-to-be who want to find non-toxic, eco-friendly, natural and organic products for their own, their babies' and their families' personal use as well as for their homes. A lot of the time, other chemicals are added to make PVC either softer and squishier or more rigid and durable. For babies and toddlers, this material is great because it is tough enough to withstand hard play, spills, and other issues that tend to come up when kids are involved. Find out more about me here. To be sure, look for labels such as ‘PVC free,’ ‘BPA free,’ and ‘phthalate-free.’ You can also read more about the product on the back of the packaging or on the manufacturer’s website. Phthalates. Another toy that will grow with them into toddlerhood. Toxic ingredients to avoid in art supplies . Because some plastics can be dangerous and others pretty safe, I decided to dive into all of the plastic number categories to provide the details you need to know. Handwash — Dishwashing plastic exposes it to very hot temperatures and harsh detergents. While it might look like PVC plastic number 3 is made from natural materials (oil and salt), there are a whole host of other chemicals created during the manufacturing process that are harmful to humans and the environment. It's nothing to mess around with, especially considering that these chemicals are well-established carcinogens and endocrine disruptors that wreak havoc on growing children. Alimrose: Linen cotton body with all new poly fiber fill . If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it with others! No other plastic contains or releases as many dangerous chemicals. Today in the mini-series, we are covering plastic number 3 (PVC) to learn what it is and whether or not it is safe for babies. While non-toxic toys are wonderful is so many ways, there is a downside to non-toxic toys and that is…the price. Reader Interactions. This ball is made from 1 00% non-toxic natural rubber and is BPA, Phthalates, and PVC free. PVC – the Poison Plastic. These additives are released during both the use and disposal of PVC products. Homeschooling? 2011;213:27-54. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-9860-6_2. The most non toxic option would be 100% PVC doll such as Apple Park Organic Plush Baby or Haba First Baby Doll. You will be surprised at what all can include dangerous plastic if you aren’t paying attention! PVC; Phthalates; Bisphenols (BPA + BPS) PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) How to identify it: PVC or vinyl, is commonly found in soft plastic toys, with a recycling number 3. Also, babies tend to put most thing into their mouths which includes PVC toys, dirt, and other contaminants. You start to examine ingredients lists in food, skincare products, and even laundry products. The town was situated next to one of these facilities. Unfortunately, it can also be found in many children’s’ toys and household items. Acrylic fibers are highly inflammable and not easy recyclable nor biodegradable in the environment. What’s worse, catching it on fire releases much more smoke than other materials and that smoke will include the dangerous dioxins that I mentioned earlier. Many of those chemicals were toxic. Additives (e.g. PVC in Building Materials. (Age, Weight, & Safety!). The chemicals added to PVC make it the most toxic plastic. That’s because most companies aren’t going to just go right out and say they are using a certain plastic if it could be perceived as dangerous. According to the manufacturer it's an eco-friendly PVC used in medical equipment, toys, and households, free of phthalates, BPA, formaldehyde, and heavy metals including lead and mercury. Green Toys are also one of the best eco-friendly bath toy brands out there. There’s no safe way to manufacture, use or dispose of PVC productsi. Suzanne says. Bright colors, spinning toys, and a bouncing motion that doesn’t tire out mom or dad’s arms: what’s not to love? Polyvinyl chloride is more often referred to by its less-technical names, PVC and vinyl. Copyright 2009 - 2017 | Smart Mommy Healthy Baby | All Rights Reserved, Safe, Organic, Natural Products for Babies, Moms & Pregnant Mothers |, Sunscreen, Sunblock, Insect Repellent Products, Lunch Bags, Sandwich Bags, & Food Containers, Organic & Eco-Friendly Clothing & Accessories, Schoolbags, Backpacks, Lunch Boxes & Food Bags. Here is a list of harmful chemicals and toxins contained in most toys and the harm those toxins actually pose to our kids. You’ll typically find No. Here are more about: China List Of Toxic Chemicals Prohibited From Import And Export (Harmful Substances) List of Chemicals in Breast Milk; List of … A link between dioxins released from aging PVC and certain types of cancer. In a nutshell, PVC plastic is uniquely toxic among plastics because of its highly toxic ingredients which readily migrate into the environment during its production, its use, and its disposal. Use bath toys free of PVC, phthalates and BPA. There has been a lot of research into BPA, and it’s pretty much unanimously agreed that it is harmful stuff. (3) PVC and polyurethane foam became replacements for natural rubber products. The topic of toys and plastics is always a contentious one, more so when babies are involved. Reply. As consumers, we are exposed to PVC, through inhalation and skin contact. Once finished, the product will be extremely tough, difficult to burn, and impact resistant. Many children's school supplies, such as lunchboxes, backpacks and binders, can be made out of PVC-a toxic plastic that is dangerous to our health and the environment. But if the flexible plastic toy isn’t properly labeled, don’t buy it unless it’s are labeled as PVC-free. All extremely hazardous materials and not something we would feel happy to have our babies playing on for large periods of time. ), and similar industrial and consumer applications. Conventional baby mattresses can be made with vinyl/PVC, chemical flame retardants, toxic adhesives, and fabrics that have gone through various chemicals treatments, and can emit toxic chemicals and harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Natural Baby Life aims to be the best resource for learning everything you can about raising your little one! Praised for its durability, resistance to chemicals, and affordability, PVC is commonly found in construction sites. Conventional baby mattresses can be made with vinyl/PVC, chemical flame retardants, toxic adhesives, and fabrics that have gone through various chemicals treatments, and can emit toxic chemicals and harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is possible that some kind of chemicals are used for the vanilla scent. It’s in that flexy-bendy baby doll, the pool toy or that cute wall sticker set. We stock the best baby plastic bottles for baby: they are all BPA free, PVC free, phthalate free and lead free. Toys made from cloth, wood and other natural materials are a better bet. Why go to all the trouble to avoid toxic PVC (vinyl) plastic?? Aug 03 2017, 2:28 PM. Plastic. To give your baby some relief, consider these non-toxic or natural teethers for baby which can be effective in helping your baby through this milestone. Plus if you’re on a budget, making the switch to wooden toys is generally more expensive. Explained: PVC, the toxic threat in everyday products, from toys to teethers. While there are some plastics that are relatively harmless, number three plastic is not one of them. PVC is toxic during every stage of its life cycle. The chemicals 2-ethyl-l-hexanol and l-butanol were found to be released over time as the floor degraded. According to the Eco Center, humans are exposed to PVC and phthalates for their entire life through ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure. PVC; Phthalates; Bisphenols (BPA + BPS) PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) How to identify it: PVC or vinyl, is commonly found in soft plastic toys, with a recycling number 3. Thus, in the last several years, in particular since the ban on phthalates in certain children’s items, manufactuers commenced using phthalate-free PVC. I have been trying for three years now to eliminat PVC from our home. Spielstabil. To inform that non-PVC common are usually labeled a PVC-free. Product Review: Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies, Giesswein – Eco-friendly & Fashionable Shoes & Apparel, Product Review: Boiron Acidil Meltaway Tablets, Product Review: Country Life Gut Connection Kids, Product Review: Blue Brontide Eco Wooden Car Plate & Eco Wooden Truck Plate, Product Review: Kids Smart Hi DHA-Omega3 Fish Oil. Referred to as the “poison plastic”, PVC has been linked to health problems such as cancer and birth defects. Their toys are handcrafted in Germany and use certified non-toxic, water-based stains for the coloring. (Age, Weight, & Safety! Filed Under: Healthy Baby, Healthy Home Tagged With: health risks of PVC, polyvinyl chloride in the home, PVC dangers, tips to avoid PVC, toxic plastic, toxic toys. As a result of discussions between TY, the manufacturer of Beanie Babies, and Greenpeace USA, regarding the toxicity of PVC (short for PolyVinyl Chloride), TY has decided to use polyethylene pellets in all of its stuffed animals. Don’t be afraid to check a manufacturer’s website or pick up the phone to call about a product that you are unsure of! How to choose non-toxic paint, dough, chalk, crayons and more; The best non-toxic arts & crafts supplies for babies and kids; Scroll down to learn more. Results will include baby toys, clothing, and other accessories that you will be comforted to know won’t harm your baby. Breastfeeding is best for baby but may not always be possible. If a mat is made from toxic materials, this may trigger skin allergies. These toxic endocrine disruptors can still be found in many kids or babies items such as lunch boxes, waterproof mattress covers, inflatable toys, baby pools and bath toys. Why PVC Should Be Phased Out of Electronic Devices. Rubber duckies laced with flame retardants. A link between PVC flooring with asthma and autism. Babies love balls like these. The most toxic, TCDD, was the contaminant in the infamous Agent Orange that made it so deadly. Over the years there have been many studies that link PVC-related chemicals to developmental problems among children as well as an increased risk of certain kinds of disease. Most often used in construction, PVC is a plastic composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen and chlorine. There is so much plastic on store shelves today that it is challenging to figure out what is what. Nov. Okoro HK, Fatoki OS, Adekola FA, Ximba BJ, Snyman RG, Opeolu B. This ball is made from 1 00% non-toxic natural rubber and is BPA, Phthalates, and PVC free. To ensure your child has a safe playing environment with non-toxic, plastic toys then follow these guidelines: Avoid PVC: This is easily enough done—just don’t buy anything with a resin #3 in the chasing arrows. We’ve covered all of the details you need to know about plastic number 3 (PVC), but you might want to check out the next article in the series all about baby safety of plastic number 4 (LDPE). PVC contains dangerous chemical additives including phthalates, lead, cadmium, and/or organotins, which can be toxic to your child's health. The world of baby gear is vast. Plastic items with the number 3 on the bottom are made from polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which is one of the most common thermoplastic polymers in the world. However, if you must get a plastic doll, phthalate-free PVC doll will be a better option than conventional PVC dolls out there since it is free of toxic chemical phthalate. Besides that, Acrylic’s manufacturing process, if not properly monitored can result in an explosion. When these two compounds are combined, they form ethylene dichloride which is then heated at extremely high temps to make vinyl chloride. Traditionally, foam play mats have been made out of EVA, PVC or polyurethane. Dioxins found in some populations can cause cancer rates of 1-in-1000, which is incredibly high. PVC is a thermoplastic polymer the most common use of which in its “unplasticised” rigid form is as a building material compounds, siding, magnetic cards, blinds, and similar hard industrial applications. Also polyurethane foam is petroleum-based, therefore, it emits VOCs (volatile organic compounds) even without flame retardant chemicals. HaPe is another great non toxic toy brand great for baby. Chemicals to avoid when choosing bath toys. In its plasticized (flexible) form, achieved generally with the addition of phthalates, PVC is widely used in toys, fixtures, clothing, upholstery, tubing (including medical tubing! The most non toxic option would be 100% PVC doll such as Apple Park Organic Plush Baby or Haba First Baby Doll. Made of natural wood or food grade silicone, these items offer baby the ability to gnaw on toys specifically designed to soothe their gums. A baby play mat is a great clean, cozy, and safe space for your little one to crawl, roll, and explore. To ensure your child has a safe playing environment with non-toxic, plastic toys then follow these guidelines: Avoid PVC: This is easily enough done—just don’t buy anything with a resin #3 in the chasing arrows. While the use of this new form of PVC reduces potential toxicity as it eliminates the greatest hazard from the material, the use of PVC remains controversial as it continues to present certain dangers – PVC in its phthalate-free form may still contain dioxin (a known carcinogen), VOCs (see link below), as well as lead and cadmium (see my page on hazardous ingredients http://smartmommyhealthybaby.com/smart-mommy/potentially_hazardous_ingredients_PCPs.php.). If it is flexible in form, highly toxic plasticizers (likely Phthalate) have been added to it allowing for it’s form. Eco Baby Dolls: Only hard dolls not made of PVC- these are made of 100% natural rubber . If they are serious about protecting the chemical safety of your child, they will be telling you all about it whenever they get a chance! Chemicals to avoid when choosing bath toys. So you have probably heard in the media about BPA and its presence in # 7 plastic - a plastic frequently used to make baby bottles and sippy cups, the thing is, BPA is only the most recent toxic chemical to be found in plastic, and sadly will probably not be the last. However, in the very early days, and for products that your baby is going to get “up close and personal” with – either by spending a lot of time with (which is why we recommend non toxic cribs / non toxic bassinets and organic crib mattress for babies, and an organic toddler pillow and non toxic nap mat when they’re older), touching directly, or putting in their mouths (i.e. I had two key-obsessed babies, ... PVC, or other toxic materials. Let’s dive into the details to see where we are likely to find PVC, how it’s made, and just how dangerous it is. Every day we learn more about how toxic phthalates (and phthalate variants) are, especially to babies’ and children’s small, developing bodies. It’s been around for a long time and used commercially as early as the 1920s by B.D. If you want to learn more about what PVC plants and refining facilities can do to their surrounding environment, then you should check the impact noxious fumes and chemical by-products had on the people of Mossville, LA. PVC (Polyvinyl chloride, also known as vinyl) Baby bibs that are made of PVC (Polyvinyl chloride, also known as vinyl) emit toxic chemicals into the air and baby will inhale those toxins. PVC Toxic Chemicals in Toys and Packaging. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by itself is generally not dangerous to dogs, but manufacturers often use toxic chemical additives to make the PVC more soft and flexible. Is PVC and Phthalate in toys toxic and dangerous for baby and child. Hi! PVC plastic is the only plastic made with chlorine. Babies and children are especially susceptible to air pollution and toxins. Human exposure, biomarkers, and fate of organotins in the environment. These symbols and numbers are actually resin identification codes (RIC), and they are put there to help recyclers figure out what kind of material they are dealing with before they try to process it. Second, the plasticizers that are used to soften the hard PVC plastic and make it flexible enough to use as mattress protectors or pads are phthalates. Dioxin. These include dioxins, phthalates, vinyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, lead, cadmium, and organotins. Plastic number 3, otherwise known as Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), is an extremely common thermoplastic polymer. VC is the most toxic plastic for our health and environment. She will also absorb toxic chemicals if her skin is in contact with PVC or vinyl materials. Here are a few: In addition to these, we also have to worry about lead, cadmium, and organotins being released as well. While it is naturally very hard and brittle, plasticizers can be added to make flexible versions. It's the same situation with other plastics like acrylonitrile styrene (AS) or styrene acrylonitrile (SAN) which is used in Brita pitchers and many mixing bowls, dishes, cups and cutlery. Comments . Here are some products that may help you make it easier! The 2008 law banning phthalates from children's toys does not cover the PVC in school supplies, with which our children come in contact on a daily basis. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. We all know that common polyvynil chloride, or PVC, is best avoided in personal and household use, especially in products and items designed for use by babies and children. See also our range of BPA free feeding accessories (including plates, dishes, and cups), and BUILT NY baby bottle covers. According to the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice, children and babies are also at a higher risk of toxic chemicals from PVC. Hazel Village dolls: organic cotton jersey, and stuffed with washable poly fill. I'm the dad in charge of Natural Baby life. To make matters worse, toxic emissions are elevated during sleep due to increased body heat. These items are made from polyvinyl chloride (generally referred to as PVC) and of concern is the release of phthalates, a binding agent that makes the plastic malleable and is in an innumerable amount of consumer products, not just plastics. Stick with natural materials like: unfinished, solid, non-toxic wood; organic cotton; untreated wool; If the wood is finished, it should be finished with natural oils and waxes like beeswax or walnut oil. Babies love balls like these. There are a few companies that sell some reasonably priced non-toxic toys, but most are far from budget friendly. Phthalates have also been linked to endocrine system disruption which can cause hormonal issues among children and adults. Non-toxic baby feeding products crafted from bamboo are the perfect eco-friendly alternative to plastic utensils. Baby Care Play Mat, which is another mat that’s very popular and claims to be non-toxic (see the reports here), is made out of PVC. VC is the most toxic plastic for our health and environment. DEHP Exposures During the Medical Care of Infants: A Cause for Concern. Over time, they can leach out and absorb through the skin (like your dog’s gums) and cause damage to their liver and kidneys. Compared to their weight, babies tend to eat and drink way more than adults as well – a bigger opportunity for exposure through ingestion. A Report to the National Commission of Inquiry into Toxic Toys. Just about every soft plastic toy is made with PVC. Its production, use, and disposal result in the release of toxic chemicals and the combination of these chemicals is what makes plastic prod It is normal to get worried when the baby chews on a softball or even a teether.. You may have also stumbled upon reports or articles which cast doubts about the safety of Avoid any product with the word “phthalate” in its list of ingredients. June 30, 2012 at 11:39 am. It has also been linked to diabetes. An emerging toxic plastic of concern, polyvinyl chloride (PVC or vinyl), is used widespread in schools across the nation. Unfortunately, this is one of the plastics that we need to avoid at all costs, but that mission is easier said than done. Polyvinyl chloride is more often referred to by its less-technical names, PVC and vinyl. PVC gives off chlorine gas when it burns - it’s in the region of 56% chlorine by weight. Smart Mommy Healthy Baby is a popular one-stop, time-saving resource for moms and pregnant moms-to-be who want to find non-toxic, eco-friendly, natural, and organic products for their own, their babies' and their families' personal use as well as for their homes. One item you may not realize you need is a non-toxic play mat. Baby Teething Toys - BPA Free Natural Organic Freezer Safe Teether Set with Pacifier Clip/ Holder Non-Toxic for 3 to 12 Months Babies, Soft Silicone Fruit Teethers Toys, Infant and Toddler(5 Pack) 4.6 out of … Fortunately, most natural baby product companies these days will actively avoid PVC and other dangerous plastics in their baby toys and accessories. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Here are a few of the results: Aside from those specific cases, there have also been measurements of as many as forty different chemicals off-gassing from PVC flooring and wall coverings. Harmful Phthalates . PVC’s can be spotted by a number “3” and are commonly found in cling wraps, teethers, and … Natural baby life use certified non-toxic, water-based stains for the environment, so avoiding them when possible your... 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